Thursday, August 29, 2019

Trying again....Still fighting "technical difficulties". HELP!

I started blogging around 2009 and due to format changes as well as everyday life issues getting in the way, I have had lapses in maintaining my blog. I've been able to keep the same name for it, (which now seems more appropriate as a title than it did back in 2009.) However, it still applies to my life AND a sign of the current state of the world which seems more chaotic than it did back in 2009.

As I start out on this writing journey again, I'm having difficulties getting my earlier posts to merge with my current ones. I've tried following various online suggestions but have been unsuccessful. I'm thinking perhaps the time gaps between my blog posts have caused retrieval to not work. I'd like to get these sorted out. If anyone wants to offer advice, I'd welcome it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019