Monday, September 2, 2019

Here I go again...

 I've returned again after noticing my last entry (not counting my two posts in August.) I think I discovered I'd abandoned my blog sometime in 2011. But actually found another I had started in 2009. I've been unable to transfer it to attach to the blog name I've kept since I started this time. Confused yet? Well, welcome to my world.
Besides my attempts at resurrecting my blog, I've also been encountering technical issues. Additionally, checking blogs I had followed only to discover that like mine, they appear to have been abandoned. So at least I'm not alone in my "life getting in the way" words.
One blog I do follow with regular interest is "A Word's Worth" written by Diane Moore ( a gifted writer. I recommend her writings and observations if you haven't seen her blog. She's far more "disciplined" as a blogger than I've been. I'm hoping that this new attempt on my part will be more successful.
I'm attempting to figure out how often I will put an entry online. That's one of the discipline factors I've admired of Diane's blog posts. Hoping I can get a similar routine established.
I've just begun participating in an online course taught by a professor at my alma mater. More on that later. I'll only say that returning to school this time, at least I get a tuition discount for being a student of a "certain age" and not taking the course for credit.

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