Wednesday, April 19, 2023



As of late last month, I have turned another year.older in my life. I've reflected on the many losses that have come with the passage of time. As expected, the older one gets, the more relationships end. Of course, change happens. 

What hurts the most beyond personal losses are the changes in the nation. Had I not become aware of the past, before I was born (the period around World War II,) I would have thought the current upheaval reflects somewhat the 1960s historical events of my childhood. As I approached my teens, I became a flower child, watching as the country I grew up in seemed to becoming apart. That's what I saw on the news but it was in smaller doses than today. 

People are constantly angry and the media which has grown so much more (despite the falling of print media) in terms of amplifying every instance in the daily lives of world citizens has made this a much more anxious time for me than I recall in my childhood amid a massive war (Vietnam) several assassinations or assassination attempts, protests, and other forms of brutal actions. I'd hoped in more recent years, there would be a "fever break" but that doesn't appear to be happening. I am so saddened by what has become a divided nation, more than I ever recall in my lifetime. I truly am a peace seeker in a chaotic world. And I'm tired.


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